
A deep-space company


Unfolding the deep space potential


Becoming the leading provider of Flight Dynamics services for lunar and deep space missions, enabling world's transition from terrestrial to interplanetary markets.


Nowadays, interplanetary (or deep space) missions are mainly operated by public space agencies. However, as occurred in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), we believe the time has come for deep-space missions to be fully managed and performed by private enterprises.

In this context, Nautilus Mission is to pioneer the privatization of flight dynamics services to ensure an extensive, recurring and cost-effective access to deep space.

We strongly believe that deep-space exploration will radically shape our future: among the stars technology, knowledge and consciusness will evolve and a brand-new era of human history will unfold. We are here to make that happen.


Review our 20-year experience of space exploration


Nautilus technical offer is solidly rooted in over of two decades of research activity within the Radio Science and Planetary Exploration and the Microsatellites and Space Microsystems laboratories of the University of Bologna.

The two teams have achieved remarkable achievements thanks to their involvement in several international projects in the area of orbit determination, planetary science and the desing, development, testing, and communication of micro and nano-satellite systems.

The teams have conducted research activities performing data analysis for past NASA and ESA deep space missions like Pioneer, Galileo and Cassini. Currently, they are engaged in groundbreaking future missions including Juno, Bepi-Colombo, Exomars 2022, HERA, Juice, and Europa Clipper. Additionally, the teams successfully navigated the first two European interplanetary CubeSats, LICIACube and ArgoMoon, both funded and coordinated by ASI, marking a significant milestone in space exploration.

Credit: ESA/Science Office


The second cornerstone of Nautilus is the Deep-space Astrodynamics Research & Technology (DART) group of the Politecnico di Milano, conducting pioneering research in trajectory design, optimization, and the autonomous GNC of deep-space CubeSats.

In 2019, prof. Francesco Topputo was awarded with an ERC consolidator grant for the EXTREMA project, whose goal is to enable CubeSats with autonomous GNC capabilities. The outcomes of the research on autonomous navigation, autonomous guidance and control, and autonomous ballistic capture will eventually be integrated in a fully-functional facility to test interplanetary missions.

Furthermore, the DART group plays a crucial role in the design and operation of ESA's interplanetary CubeSats fleet. This includes Milani, which will be deployed near the binary asteroid system of Didymos and Dimorphos as part of the Hera mission; LUMIO, designed to monitor and analyze meteoroid impacts on the moon's farside by detecting light flashes; and M-ARGO, the pioneering CubeSat that will navigate deep space independently using its low-thrust propulsion system to rendezvous with an asteroid

Credit: ESA-Jacky Huart


Creating Impact, everyday

LUMIO Mission

Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is an ESA CubeSat mission designed to observe, quantify, and characterize meteoroid impacts on the lunar farside by detecting impact flashes. Nautilus is responsible for the ground segment desing and flight dynamics operations. LUMIO is expected to be launched in 2027.


Space Exploration

The SmallSats revolution has enabled this class of spacecraft to self-sustain interplanetary scientific missions. Our solution will drastically increase access to deep space, allowing hundreds of SmallSats to explore our solar system and reveal its secrets.

HERMES Mission

High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites (HERMES) is an ASI-funded mission demonstrating high-energy gamma-ray burst detection with a constellation of CubeSats. Nautilus supports this initiative by developing the Flight Dynamics software for the Mission Operations Center, enhancing precision and effectiveness of operations.


Space Exploration

The SmallSats revolution has enabled this class of spacecraft to self-sustain interplanetary scientific missions. Our solution will drastically increase access to deep space, allowing hundreds of SmallSats to explore our solar system and reveal its secrets.

3DOF ADCS Test Bed

The 3DOF Attitude Control Air Bearing Facility (ADCS) is an ESA-funded project to develop a new attitude control test facility. As prime contractor, Nautilus is responsile for the development and assembly of the test bed. The facility is designed for the ground testing of cubesats ADCS supporting platforms up to 12U.


Space Exploration

The SmallSats revolution has enabled this class of spacecraft to self-sustain interplanetary scientific missions. Our solution will drastically increase access to deep space, allowing hundreds of SmallSats to explore our solar system and reveal its secrets.

Flight Dynamics Services

Customized and cost-effective solutions

Mission Design

We design customized mission plans, address navigation and ground segment requirements, conduct trajectory analysis, acccurate orbit determination and precise mission simulations.

FD Software Development

We develop cutting-edge tools for LEO and Deep Space missions, integrating ground segment units and empowering advanced mission design and mission control capabilities.

Deep-Space Navigation

We offer comprehensive satellite guidance and navigation, encompassing all deep space mission phases, and providing expert support from design to operational flying missions.

Space Exploration Technologies

We pioneer innovative technologies for deep space exploration, specializing in autonomous navigation, ML, surface-proximity operations, and IoS applications for cutting-edge missions.


Why choosing us?

The Solar System Has Never Been So Small

Our navigation services are customized to reflect needs and requirements of any satellites missions.

Reach Deep Space On a Budget

Our navigation services are designed to be cost effective and to fit every possible mission scenario.

Sit back. Relax.
Enjoy your Flight

We take care of your spacecraft journey, from the design of the mission to the end of the operational life.


Multiple applications, endless gains

Lunar Economy

The lunar economy is a frontier of innovation and opportunity. With our flight dynamics capabilities, we enable multiple lunar applications such as: logistics, proximity operations, ISRU, communication, scientific experiments and more in the lunar orbit and surface.


Planetary Defence

While the chances of a major near-Earth object collision are low in the near term, it is likely that in the far future humanity must face such a threat. Our solution will expedite SmallSats employment to study hazardous asteroids and eventually redirect their orbit.

Space Exploration

Unlock the mysteries of the cosmos with our groundbreaking solution, granting satellites unprecedented access to deep space for exploration and research. Embrace financial sustainability, dare to venture beyond the stars, and shape the future of space exploration.


Space Exploration

The SmallSats revolution has enabled this class of spacecraft to self-sustain interplanetary scientific missions. Our solution will drastically increase access to deep space, allowing hundreds of SmallSats to explore our solar system and reveal its secrets.

Asteroid Mining

Asteroids contain a wide range of finite-Earth resources like water or platinum. Our cost-efficient solution can pave the way to enormous environmental and economic gains as well as provide critical resources to permanent human colonies in space.


Asteroid Mining

Asteroids contain a wide range of finite-Earth resources from water to platinum. Our cost-efficient solution can pave the way to enormous environmental and economic gains as well as provide critical resources to permanent human colonies in space.


Check out our latest news

Natilus Contributes to Breakthrough Space in Optical Communications
Nautilus and Tyvak International sign an MoU
Nautilus lands at the 2024 Space Resources Week!
Nautilus has been selected for the #ESABICMilan

Get in touch.

Anything extraordinary in mind? Contact Us!

Privacy information Notice Contacts

Pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that your Personal Data, provided by you to our Company, will be processed by NAUTILUS - NAVIGATION IN SPACE SRL as Data Controller, for the sole purpose of providing you with the information and assistance you requested. We also inform you that this data will be kept only for the time necessary to ensure a correct and complete reply (unless otherwise required by law). The legal basis for the aforementioned processing is to carry out activities of pre-contractual/contractual nature requested by the data subject. The provision of your Personal Data is not compulsory, however failure to provide data marked with * will prevent us from respond to your request. In case you provide to us your Personal Data, we inform you that your Personal Data will be processed only by authorised personnel pursuant to Article 29 of the GDPR. Your Data will not be disseminated but can be communicated to third parties authorized to the processing of such data, being in charge of carrying out or supplying specific services, strictly functional to the execution of your requests. Regarding the processing of the aforementioned data, pursuant to Article 15 et seq. of the EU Regulation 2016/679, we remind you the right to obtain the access of Personal Data concerning you; the right to obtain the rectification (correction of inaccurate data or integration), the right to erasure the Personal Data processed unlawfully or in case one of the reasons specified in Article 17 of the EU Regulation exists. Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in case you consider that the rights indicated above have not been recognized. To exercise the right set forth above, please contact the Data Controller, writing to NAUTILUS - NAVIGATION IN SPACE SRL, with headquarters in Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 48, 40127 Bologna (BO), Italy, email:


If you are applying for a job or sharing your Resume/CV:

Dear Candidate, pursuant to article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons with reference to the processing of their personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter also called “GDPR” or “Regulation”), we inform you that the personal data you supplied to our Company – both before and during the employment – (hereinafter jointly called “Data”), in compliance with the above-referred regulation and with the confidentiality obligations to which the activity of our Company inspires – will be subject of the processing operations set forth in article 4 of the EU Regulation 2016/679. In particular, we’d like to inform you as follows:


Data Controller: The data controller is NAUTILUS - NAVIGATION IN SPACE SRL, with headquarters in Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 48, 40127 Bologna (BO), Italy, email:


Purposes and processing methods: The collection and processing of your data has as its purpose the management of the selection and recruitment of personnel. The Data will be processed by authorized personnel in accordance with Article 29 of EU Regulation 2016/679. The Data may also be collected from third parties, in which case it will be our responsibility to promptly inform you, as required by Article 14 of the GDPR. Some Data will be processed on behalf of the Company by third companies, bodies or professionals who, as outsourced treatment managers, perform specific processing services or

activities complementary to ours. The legal basis for the aforementioned processing is to carry out activities of pre-contractual/contractual nature requested by the candidate.

Compulsory or optional nature of the Data supply:

the supply of Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes is strictly necessary. Failure to provide the Data, in whole or in part, could prevent the selection of personnel or not make available information useful for the assessment of your application for available job positions.

Categories of personal data recipients:

The attainment of the purposes in question may also take place by means of transmission and communication of data to third parties, thereby meaning third parties authorized to the related processing of the data, as they perform or provide specific services strictly functional to the execution of the contractual relationship (also through continuous processing), such as IT services companies, companies that provide payment services, outsourcing companies, postal companies, consultants and freelancers, all in compliance with the provisions of the law on data security. In no case will your data be disseminated.


Transfer of personal data to a Third Country:

Your data won’t be transferred abroad


Storing Period:

The resumes received will be deleted at the end of the calendar year following the one of receipt; if you are still interested in proposing your application you will have to re-send.


Data Subject’s rights:

The current regulation recognizes several rights for the Data Subject, that we kindly ask you to consider carefully. Among them, we remind you the following right:

1.     Access to the following information:

a.     Purpose of the processing operations,

b.     Categories of personal data in hand;

c.     Recipients or categories of recipients to which such personal data have been or will be communicated, in particular if destined to third countries or

international organizations;

d.     Existence of the Data Subject’s right to ask the Data Controller the rectification or cancellation of the personal data or the limitation of the processing of his/her personal data or of opposing their processing;

2.     Rectification, that means:

a.     Correction of wrong personal data without unjustified delay;

b.     Integration of incomplete personal data, even providing an additional declaration;

3.     Cancellation of his/her personal data without unjustified delay, if:

a.     The data are no more necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or processed;

b.     A revocation of the consent is submitted and there is no further legal foundation for the processing;

c.     You oppose the processing and there’s no prevailing legitimate reason to carry out the processing;

d.     The personal data have been processed illegally;

e.     The personal data have to be cancelled to meet a legal obligation;

f.      The personal data have been collected for the service offer of the information company;

4.     Limitation of the processing:

a.     In case you question the exactness of personal data, for the period needed to the Data Controller to verify the exactness of such data;

b.     When the processing is unlawful, and the Data Subject opposes to the cancellation of personal data and asks a limitation of their employment;

c.     When the personal data are needed to the Data Subject for the ascertainment, exercise or defence of a right before the court, even if the Data Controller doesn’t need them anymore for the purposes of the processing;

d.     If you oppose the processing by virtue of the opposition right;

5.     Receiving a notification

in case of rectification or cancellation of personal data or processing limitation;

6.     Data portability, that is the right of receiving your personal data in a structured and commonly used format - readable from automatic devices - and the right of transmitting such data to another Data Controller, in case:

a.     The processing is based on the Data Subject’s express consent for one or more specific purposes or is carried out by virtue of a contract signed with the Data Subject, and

b.     The processing is carried out with automated devices;

7.     Opposition in any moment, for reasons connected with your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data.


In case you think that the rights here specified have not been recognized, you can submit a claim to the Supervisory Authority.

In order to exercise the above-specified rights, you can contact the Data Controller, sending a recorded delivery letter with advice of delivery to the above specified address.